Wellbeing Services
Here At Cat Village North we offer a range of free wellbeing services to support the community.
These services can all be booked via our links below, or on Facebook under our "Wellbeing Service Tab"
Under 18s Must accompanied by a Adult/Guardian.

A Mental Health Group where people can support one and another through difficult times in a relaxed and safe environment in the company of our rescue and therapy cats. Wednesday 18:00 - 18:30

Friendly Craft group with activities that are easy to pick up and enjoy with the aim of mindfulness to support your wellbeing Wednesday 18:30 - 19:30

Free Service, Tea and Coffee All day for All Senior Citizens. Wednesday - All Day

Gamers Evening with Boards games located in our Savannah Suite & Video Game Multiplayer Madness Fortnightly - Sundays 16:30 - 18:00

Animal Assisted therapy interventions for Children & Adults with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities including support for their families. Every Sunday 15:00-16:00pm

1 to 1 Bereavement support Available to those that have lost their loved ones or a beloved Pet. Available to book.

For those that can not come to us we can come to you, we specialise in nursing homes, care homes & Hospices. This is a free service. Admin@catvillagenorth.com

Every Christmas Day, we run a Free Christmas Dinner for those looking for company and support.

Exercise is Holistic way to combat depression and anxiety as we look towards facilitating you with a exercise regime to help target your endocrine system which is responsible for Hormonal control, providing structure for your everyday life.
For further information and if you would like to get involved please email us info@catvillagenorth.com